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It is the parent’s responsibility to phone the center when the child will not be at the center for the day. A proper staff to child ratio is required and must be maintained at all times.  Because of this, we need to know the child’s schedule and if they are not going to be present on a day they are scheduled for.  If your child does not come to daycare on a scheduled day and we have more staff than needed it will cause a financial hardship for the facility. Keep scrolling for more information.


Free Days

Bright Beginnings Learning Center offers five (5) free days that are available for FULL TIME enrollment, to be utilized in the event a child is absent (illness, vacation, etc). Parents/guardians are responsible for completing the form (to document the request) & then will receive reimbursement for that Free Day in the amount of the daily rate breakdown for the signed contract. Reimbursement will not be given if a form is not completed & submitted by the end of that month. 

Each full time child receives 5 free days each calendar year, these days are not carried over if unused. This document will be available on our website, in our handbook, or at the center. 




Sick Days
We understand that kids get sick so we ask you notify the daycare at 605-337-9794 as soon as possible.


Inclement Weather

In the event that BBLC is closed due to inclement weather no families will be charged for services for that day.


Full Time Status: >3 Days per week

Part Time Status: 3 Days or less per week




















There is no guaranteed spot.


A two-week notification is required before a child is withdrawn from the center.  If you withdraw your child before the two weeks are up, you will still be billed for the remainder of the two weeks you had scheduled.

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